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作家相片An Lan Jie Hostel



跟所有熱愛賞花的朋友們好康相報!!! 在嘉義, 每年的3月開始到6月, 會有不同的花接力盛開, 歡迎熱愛美麗事物的朋友們, 一同來嘉與我們共賞漂亮的花兒們!!!

近期3月下旬在八掌溪畔有黃澄澄的黃金風鈴木, 周末來嘉小旅行與成排風鈴木邂逅吧!!!

如夢似幻的金黃色花海-祕境大公開!!!!大家有機會肯定要去朝盛一下哦 🙂

祕境1. 位於嘉義縣太保市朴子溪堤防邊 祕境2. 嘉義市軍暉橋(吳鳳南路547巷) 祕境3. 新港黃金花隧道

Good News!!! In Chiayi, there are different kinds of flower blooming from March to June. To whom like beautiful things, welcome to Chiayi and enjoy flower sea with us. Lately, there will be Golden Trumpet Tree at the Bazhang River bank in the end of March. Why not have a nice stay at Chiayi ?!


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